The Ardan 2017 report qualifies Altia as a Gazelle Company, Generator of Wealth and Well Managed
These recognitions highlight Altia's high growth, high competitive capacity and high performance.
The Board of Directors of Altia has acquired 100% of the share capital of QED SYSTEMS S.L.U.
On August 11, 2017, the Board of Directors of Altia has approved the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of QED Systems S.L.U.
Smart Cities, an urgent and real demand
Technology is increasingly considered to be a catapult which allows for the transformation of cities in a scalable and sustainable way.
Configuration and implementation of a Corporate Intranet for the Semark AC Group
Altia has carried out a project for the configuration and implementation of an Intranet using Microsoft's SharePoint technology.
Altia obtains certification in accordance with the National Safety Scheme
Altia continues to bet on quality as one of the most important tools in improving its processes and services to customers.
The Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) entrusts Altia with the creation of the web portal of the Consortium
The Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) has entrusted Altia with the creation of its new corporate web portal.
The Xunta has once again relied upon the joint venture of Altia and Indra to manage the systems of its Integral Data Processing Centre (CDPi)
The Galician Agency for Technological Modernization (Axencia Galega para a Modernización Tecnolóxica) of the Xunta de Galicia has renewed its contract with the joint venture integrated by Altia and Indra.
Smart health, the sector from a new perspective
The relationship between citizens and traditional health care has been based on an "on demand" model, in which citizens primarily receive care when they proactively go to a preferred centre or professional.