We renew presence on the executive committee of Turistec, the international cluster focused on information and communication technologies applied to the Tourism sector.
This renewal is a backing turn to our strategy of betting on the digitization of the tourism sector, and for the Balearic Islands as a geographical area of special interest.
It will be Oscar Muñoz Pérez, account manager of Altia, who will act as a member on Turistec's new executive committee. Muñoz Pérez is an integral part of the candidacy recently supported by the majority of the ordinary assembly, which brings together 70% of the workforce of Turistec's partners and generates 49% of domestic GDP.
Turistec's mission is to raise the indicators of business competitiveness of a number of entities in the sector with both common and conflicting interests, which the entity has managed thanks to networking,collaboration and knowledge transfer.
The new cluster organization chart aims to consolidate the trunk structure that has managed Turistec's course over the past four years with very positive results. As well as having a specific weight in terms of workforce value and domestic GDP, which consolidate the brand and its capacity in operational and strategic development.
By 2021 it will be a priority to find the financing for the budget in a amount of between 60,000 euros to 90,000 euros. By 2022, the budget target is estimated to be set at a fork from 250,000 to 300,000 euros. This budget is estimated as the minimum needed to meet the targets beyond 2022.
Executive Committee
Executive VP
• Technology - José Alberto Terrasa, Quonext Tourism
• Research and Talent - Carlos Juiz,UIB
• Digital Transformation - Mateo Ramón, Grupo Piñero
• Institutional Relations - Dolores Ordoñez, Anysolutions
• Tourism(*) - Tomeu Bennasar, Iberostar Group
Treasurer - Tiago Barro, Binary Menorca
Secretary - Pepe Urios, MarkSite
- Carmen Prada, IBM
- Óscar Muñoz, Altia
- Alejandro Forcades, SM2 by Plexus
- Pep Lluis Vidal, Brújula (CMC)
- Javier Viñas, Innova Experts
- Antonio Carmona, INETUM
President - Jaume Monserrat, HITT Group
Advisory committee
• Fermin Calvo, Sm2 by Plexus
• Josep Romagosa, IECISA
• Antoni Riera, Fundación Impulsa Balears
• Carlos Romero, Segittur
• Maria Frontera, FEHM
• Juan Mulet, DG Cotec Foundation
• José Antonio Alarcon, Playa de Palma Hotel Federation
• Javier Perez, Customia
Clúster internacional
Turistec is an international cluster focused on information and communication technologies (ICTs) applied to the Tourism sector. Its objective is to raise the indicators of business competitiveness of a number of entities in the sector with both common and conflicting interests, which the entity has managed thanks to networking and knowledge transfer.
At a time of global pandemic, which has had a very negative impact on the development of the sector, the cluster is laying the foundation for the redesign of the model. Its mission is to prioritize and become an essential element in creating value and detecting opportunities that offer guarantees, solvency and returns.
A sector hungry for innovation
Given the heterogeneous conglomerate of companies (80 entities, more than 6000,000 workers and a turnover of 5,776 million euros) that make up Turistec, aligning objectives is not an easy task.
However, he does not stray from the challenge of becoming a true agent of innovation and knowledge in tourism technology. To this end, it encourages the cultural change of its collaborators, coming from the public or private sphere. The important thing is to access funds to finance innovation in truly transformative projects.
Critical mass growth and networking capacity are two structural objectives for Turistec which, thanks to the push of its members, aims to becomean "Agent ofInnovation". Its medium-term objective is to have an innovation agenda composed of a correct segmentation of projects and a proven capacity for the creation of consortia, without which it could not reach truly transformative projects. In fact, it already works on a roadmap that allows it to structure innovation as one of the key elements, at the same level as its "networking" capability.
Turistec must become an agency of pure strategic approach and therefore with medium and long-term objectives. If you will not be able to offer the levers of value that companies are looking for in a type of organization, oriented to knowledge transfer, collaboration, competition and increasing global competitiveness.