The initiative is framed within DigiTalent, Galicia’s Digital Talent Promotion Plan.
One more year, Altia has collaborated with Galicia’s Agency for Technological Modernisation (AMTEGA) in the ‘Tecnólog@ por un día’ (‘Technologist for a day’) programme, an activity that aims to promote interest in STEAM and in digital professions among high school students.
In this 7th edition, we have shared our passion for technology with 16 high school students in our Data Center, A Coruña, Santiago and Vigo offices in Galicia, a region in the northwest of Spain.

In the different activities that have taken place in each of our offices, our professionals have presented their academic profile, their role in Altia and the project they are currently working on. In this way, we showcased the evolution that follows from academic training to the labour market.

The students were able to get to know the work of the team that developed the Altia Control Tower transport management solution, visit part of the 2,500m² Vigo Data Center and see the application of agile methodologies to manage development teams by participating in their daily meetings.
Through interactions with the talent, marketing and communication teams, they were also able to learn about other cross-departmental areas of the company.
At the end of the session, everyone unanimously highlighted that what had surprised them the most was ‘(...) the great working environment, the team’s friendliness and empathy’ and ‘the possibility of getting to know how a company like Altia works’.
At Altia, we believe that the technology enthusiasts that have visited us with the ‘Tecnólog@s por un día’ programme are part of the generation that will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in the future.