We are silver sponsors of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Digital ECAI2020.
We are silver sponsors of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Digital ECAI2020. An event that, under the motto "Paving the way to AI focused on the human being", will be held virtually between August 29 and 8 September, after canceling, because of the health crisis, the face-to-face edition that was to take place in Santiago de Compostela.
At Digital ECAI2020 we will showcase the first virtual ECAI in its nearly 50-year history, its AI developments and applications to a worldwide audience, as well as sponsor a number of awards. In addition to the above, we will participate in three activities: plenary sessions and technical sections; visibility of the brand image and corporate activity and networking, through the creation of a specific area on the Digital ECAI2020 website (Exhibition Hall) where we will be able to interact with the attendees, companies through a multimedia interaction, which includes live presentations, chats, video calls, etc.
For this most relevant biennial scientific meeting on AI in Europe, we will have a virtual stand with its own calendar of activities where we will discuss the role of AI in the market, real applications and success stories.
The objective of Digital ECAI2020, which is organized by CiTIUS (Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnologías Inteligentes de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Spain), is to present technical papers and AI-related events that will be of interest to researchers, students and all attendees interested in AI.