Altia is the first Galician technology company to join the Alianza Galega polo Clima, which advocates for cross-sector collaboration to effectively address environmental issues.
The Xunta appreciates the hard work that companies like Altia are doing to become carbon neutral and their contribution to increasing Galicia's resilience, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of the fight against global warming.
The Galician Councillor for Environment and Climate Change, Ángeles Vázquez, visited our data centre in Vigo on Tuesday to see how well we are doing in assessing the environmental aspects of our workplaces. In fact, we were the first Galician technology company to join the Alianza Galega polo Clima in October last year.
The regional representative, accompanied by Ana Ortiz, the territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo, stated that this visit was part of a programme of meetings initiated by the Galician Government to review the progress made by the entities that have joined the alliance in their efforts to protect the environment and achieve climate neutrality. In this context, she stressed the importance of strengthening public-private cooperation and assured that the Xunta de Galicia will support the economic and social sectors to promote progress in climate policy.
Ángeles Vázquez recalled that Galicia is the Spanish region with the greatest reduction in polluting emissions (-60%) compared to 1990, the year used as a global benchmark for climate policy. It is also the region with the greatest capacity to absorb carbon dioxide in the country, absorbing one out of every five tonnes in Spain. In addition, Galicia's net greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 19.5% in the last four years, three times the Spanish and European average.
The regional official also highlighted the value of the Galicia Resiliente, a pioneering technical office for the promotion of climate change adaptation initiatives, which is already up and running to provide specialised advice to the entities involved in the Alianza Galega polo Clima and the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy that may require it. In fact, it is working to support both the production sector and local organisations.

In our case, the Head of Environment and Climate Change highlighted that we are a company that promotes cross-sector alliances to effectively address environmental issues, and that we are an example of good practice in several areas. She highlighted our active promotion of recycling and reuse of materials - promoting resource conservation and waste reduction - through the donation of refurbished equipment, which helps to minimise environmental impact.
In this sense, Ángeles Vázquez emphasised that at Altia we always strive to grow sustainably and safely, and we are committed to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Last year, the company's sustainability efforts resulted in a 70% reduction in electricity consumption, a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the delivery of more than 750 kilograms of waste for reuse or recovery.