Relevant facts
Operations carried out by managers
Purchases made by executives on may 15, 2023
Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting
Agreements of general shareholders’ meeting for the approval of the 2022 annual accounts.
Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting
Agreements of general shareholders’ meeting for the approval of the 2022 annual accounts.
Other relevant information
Publication of Sustainability Report 2022.
Formulación de cuentas y acuerdo de distribución de dividendo
Formulación de cuentas y acuerdo de distribución de dividendo
Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting
Acuerdos adoptados en la Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas celebrada el 6 de marzo de 2023
Other Relevant Information
Report of the Board of Directors on the statutory amendment to be proposed to the General Meeting.
Convocatoria de Junta o Asamblea
Convocatoria de Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas para la modificación del capital social.
Significant participations
Significant participations on december 31, 2022.
Operations carried out by managers
Purchases made by executives on December 30, 2022 and January 2, 2023.